Feb 22 2024

im really bored right now because im at school so im making a website to type random stuff idk man

im supposed to be doing stuff but oh well

i got bored of drawing stuff in ms paint

what am i doing

Feb 23 2024

Hi again. im supposed to be writing an essay but. oh well.

Feb 26 2024

school is so annoying. im supposed to be in the library (long story) but kids are doing a test??? or something in there so they wont let me in even though im supposed to be there.

its currently 11:30 AM if anyone was curious.

uhh. idk what else to say

i want to go home or at least to the library

honestly school is more boring and confusing than difficult

MS PAINT ADDED LAYERS???? WHAT???? (but only the version on my school computer?? i use ms paint on my computer at home and it doesnt have layers but it does on my school computer??)

its really fun typing here though. imagine i keep typing here for like a year or something. thats an entire year of my life on the internet. wow.

its like social media but without comments or likes and everyone else just gets to read this and not post anything themselves.

i deleted Tumblr the other day and i feel a lot better now, plus i still get to talk to no one here. the only reason i got it was to just post random stuff and have no one see it.

March 5 2024

Hey guys its been a little bit. I have therapy today and last time I had therapy my therapist said "I'm scared to talk to you sometimes" and it was really funny because I am the least threatening or scary person in existence and why did she say that?? why do I have to worry about what I say about myself to someone who is supposed to listen to me when I say something???

anyways im bored (obviously) because I dont know what i should draw, once I get home I have Warrior Cats fanart to work on (I do requests on Scratch, my username is WarriorCatzFanart)

I love listening in on other people's conversations. i heard someone say "you can summarize on your own time" and idk what the context was.

it is currently 12:22 PM btw. idk I like updating you on the time.

my computer is at 0% (but is still working??) and has been for the past hour and 30 minutes.

ugh i have to go to 5th period in like 10 minutes i dont like 5th period.

ive been playing animal crossing a lot, its fun

uhh. idk what else to say. ive been working on some drawings, maybe I'll add in some art here?

man im so tired i want to go to sleep

its only tuesday :(

i can smell popcorn and i just heard a teacher say "they burnt popcorn in [someone]'s class". WHY ARE THEY MAKING POPCORN?? I WANT SOME

i reinstalled tumblr but deleted it again and installed it again and deleted it again.

i just heard the sound of someone falling over and someone else saying "oh shit" is everything ok. what is going on.

5th period in 4 minutes

(at the class now btw) this class is so boring

March 7 2024

I just realized the previous day was supposed to say "March 5" but it said "March 3" oops

anyways. uh. this morning i heard a kid talking about how they carved someone's name into their thigh or something???

a very odd thing to overhear

anyways i have 5th period in like. 32 minutes. at 12:32

now its only 30 minutes. also i accidentally hit my head this morning and now i have a really bad headache but im going to ignore it.

i dont want to go home though because i have to go to my grandparents house this weekend (we have a three day weekend, no school tomorrow) and i dont want to go to their house, there's nothing to do there

uhhhhhhhh. i can hear two kids yelling at each other. wonder whats going on.

March 14 2024

umm yeah its been a while. I skipped a bit of school cause my grandpa died. Um yeah. That sucks but I'm not that sad about it? It was more interesting than anything cause I got to see his corpse and I watched the person that came in to confirm that he was actually dead do that so it was interesting. I was also in the room when he died which was. kind of awkward bc everyone was crying but me and my dad were kind of just standing there. and also like idk why but i didn't realize human corpses were that yellow bc i've only seen dead animals and stuff. it was odd. i then had to sleep in the room that he died in (he died like at my grandma's house) bc no one else wanted to but my mom had been sleeping there in a bed next to him while he was alive so my mom took the room i had been sleeping in and i had to sleep in the room someone died in. great. good thing i dont believe in ghosts. i actually slept really well. then again im always tired so i always sleep really well (this is a lie. i am always tired but i almost never sleep well, maybe thats why im always tired idk)

anyways im at school currently, im in the library.

march 21 2024

heyyy its been a while thats cause i keep forgetting that this exists. anyways i havent eaten today or yesterday but i drank a monster energy this morning so my entire body is shaking for some reason? my hands are shaking my legs are shaking i have a headache this is great. i got through history class really quickly and now im in the library typing this. i can focus suddenly which is weird.

anyways update on my life. its going great last weekend i stayed home alone for the entire weekend. i drew for 5 hours straight on saturday and loved everythign I made and on sunday i drew a cat and realized that im not creative or interesting and im not worthy of being an artist but then i got over that and dont feel that way anymore.

how are you guys if anyone sees this?? i should make it so people can talk to me but that would ruin the point of this plus im typing this on my school computer so uh.

anyways its 11:11 AM so uh yeah. anyways i stopped going to therapy because my therapist does not like me lmao. its honestly funny but kind of emotionally draining to go to therapy and get yelled at by my therapist lol. she accuses me of lying and gets mad when i cant answer her questions

i think the school can see what im typing here cause im typing this on my school computer?? idk lol

anyways i reinstalled tumblr again i want to post warrior cats fanart

March 22 2024

hello guys its Friday which means the weekend is tomorrow!! saturday is my third favorite day of the week (my favorite is wednesday and my favorite time is 11:41 idk what this says about me bc i dont even know why its just good)

my mom is going to my grandma's house but im staying home (sadly both my dad and my sister will be here with me. no alone time for me.)

also we have an assembly today which i will NOT be going to idc what ANYONE says you cant make me

anyways uh. woah how is it already the 22nd of March.

i just remembered i can play minecraft on my school computer lol, im going to do that now

April 4 2024

hiiii its been over a week

how are you guys? personally im feeling so normal and awesome. a few days ago i thought i was dead and it took me an hour and a half to realize that im not dead not even kidding i was genuinely convinced i was a ghost :3

me when im a ghost and just wandering around the school hallways but no one can see me

anywayyyyys im doing fine now (i was doing better when i was dead though) but umm yeah.

also spring break is soon yay !! awesome

April 5 2024

hiii i've been drawing Scourge from warrior cats a lot i love him. hes my favorite warriors character

Scratch is blocked on the school computer :/

anyways. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i have 5th period in like 20 minutes :/

we have a test today i think

also here's a drawing i made during history class instead of paying attention today!!

my friend said she liked the colors :D

also i will be posting more art similar to that on Scratch soon, my username is WarriorCatzFanart (I didn't want it to be too unique/interesting bc it's an alt account with no connection to my main account)

april 15 2024


everything is blurry and fuzzy around the edges?

oh well

uhhh anyways hi. oh wait i already said that

uh im really cold for some reason. and i feel overwhelmingly....... bad. just bad. ughhhghhghgh. for no reason either. :/

physically AND emotionally bad.

ANYWAYS!!!!! i started reading homestuck the other day and its pretty good to be honest. some of the characters are concerningly relatable and idk what that says about me............. oh well

but umm yeah idk why people act like its not good? i think its at least somewhat funny even though it does start out really boring.

and the art and stuff is really cool

i started reading it two days ago and im already on page 7000 something..........

but um back to the previous topic. i feel this weird overwhelming feeling of like a mix of defeat , sadness, and guilt?? idk shut the hell up brain you have no reason to be feeling any of that literally nothing is going wrong currently shut the hell up


someone should punch me in the face and tell me im being over dramatic. i think that would help. wait can the school (when i say the school i mean like. teachers and stuff) read what im typing here. uhghghhhhhh uhhh ignore this

april 16 2024

this morning i heard some teachers say something like "this generation is too focused on being comfortable with their hoodies and stuff"....... what the hell else am i supposed to wear. why are we complaining about hoodies. hoodies have existed for like. a long time. these are not some new concept. look man the only clothes i have is like a hoodie and two pairs of pants. so like, sorry i guess. i dont think whether im wearing a hoodie or not is an accurate reflection of how comfortable i am because i can assure you i could be wearing the most comfortable outfit in existence and be the most uncomfortable man alive. these teachers were like "this generation likes being comfortable too much" do you not like being comfortable?? do you like being uncomfortable??? thats either a personal issue or some weird uh. well never mind but like come on man. being uncomfortable all the time is not fun. unless it is to you in which case you do you i guess but like. come on. we all know it isnt. its CALLED BEING UNCOMFORTABLE FOR A REASON!!!!

and even besides all that or whatever. "this generation" . hey man which one are you talking about. like you ddidnt specify so i dont know.i mean you werent talking to me but still. which generation. this is even funnier because right after said teachers had this conversation one of them was like "ugh sitting like this is so uncomfortable :/" WHICH IS FAIR TO COMPLAIN ABOUT!!!!!!!!!! BUT YOU CANT COMPLAIN ABOUT PEOPLE COMPLAINING ABOUT BEING UNCOMFORTABLE AND THEN COMPLAIN ABOUT BEING UNCOMFORTABLE????

but anyways.

i wonder if anyone actually reads this. if you do im sorry idk why i felt the need to make this a website. i guess its just nice cause it feels like im talking to someone even though im really not.

for a while i had this discord server that only i am in so i can talk to myself, but idk i feel like i say less weird stuff when im talking to myself somewhere other people can read it. like the knowledge that anyone could see this makes me say less Weird And Embarassing stuff

i mean i still say Weird and Embarassing stuff and just you wait until im arguing with myself for some reason but still. its less Weird And Embarassing. no i dont know why im capitalizing Weird And Embarassing while for the rest of this ive been typing in all lowercase. i just feel like it i guess. sometimes i capitalize random words in the middle of my sentences for like uhh how do you spell it. emphasis. or whatever

april 19 2024

my birthday is Kinda soon so Thats cool. May 5th if you were wondering. ANYWAYS, oh my god im Tired . i literally slept in today and im Still Tired . what the hell . but um Anyways again , oh man Im sitting in the School library and some random class is coming In here why are we doing This this isnt elementary school so WHY ARE YOU BRINGING ENTIRE CLASSES IN TO THE LIBRARY??

im pretty sure its a 6th grade class too :// 6th graders are so annoying sorry .

no cause Like Im Annoying too but I Know that im annoying and these guys Do Not know that theyre annoying .

its the lack of self-awareness , not actually the fact that theyre annoying that bothers me .

however Being Annoying and Lacking the awareness that youre annoying isnt a crime so i wont say anything and I Will jUST ignore them ........

But Anyways (again , god i say anyways way too much ), i had this Weird dream last night where i Went to an aquarium and I Was the only Person there and all the Fish stared directly at me. that was a Really Weird dream

april 22 2024


i dont really have anything to say actually

wait actually my grandma got a puppy the other day i havent met it yet but ive seen a photo of it and it seems cute

also im going to stop using correct punctuation here because its too much effort this website is for me to type random words and hope they make sense

april 23 2024




april 25 2024

sometimes ill hear the year 2018 and will be like "oh yeah, yesterday :3" and then ill hear the year 2019 and be like "oh man, that was 41 billion 3 million years ago"

april 26 2024

I got medication for my ADHD and i literally feel so normal right now? i just feel normal. like. so normal. and im not even joking or being sarcastic. i feel so normal. this is so amazing.

april 30 2024

i think im actually going to try to learn how to code something because this looks really bad. i started working on a better website forever ago, maybe ill try to keep working on that. ill still type stuff here though

do you guys like my kind of not very good ms paint art?

i just used the default colors because im really bad at choosing colors lol

heres some better art i also made in ms paint (its a dragon but idk anything about dragons)

like i literally just combined a lizard, a cat, and a fish (wait im pretty sure dragons dont have anything to do with fish) and then gave it horns and wings

and yes i made it in the version of ms paint without layers :3 (sorry for being annoying about that fact im just kinda proud of myself. no offense if you do use ms paint with layers, art is supposed to be fun if youre doing it for fun, not difficult)

anyways my birthday is in 6 days!! im going to get a drawing tablet WITH A SCREEN!!! :33 isnt that awesome ? ill probably give my old drawing tablet to my friend because im pretty sure she doesnt have one but she makes such good art !!

also once i get some money im going to see if i can commission her or something because she can draw humans and i cant

oh and dont worry i plan on paying her a lot for her art >;3

anyways uhhhhh . today some teachers at school were having a conversation about how much they hate the internet and i overheard it and i realized that i literally would not be the person i am without the internet. i would not be an artist, i would not have as many friends, i would not like listening to music because i wouldnt be able to find very much music i genuinely love, i would not like the books or shows i like, i just wouldnt be the same person at all. the teachers were like "kids are always on their phones talking to their friends :/" and like yeah. thats the only way i can talk to about half of my friends. i have a lot of irl friends but a lot of my friends i met on the internet. im friends with people that live literally on the other side of the world from me!! thats literally amazing but some adults are like "but phone bad :/" ok man. whatever. im not even on my phone that much, i use my computer a lot more. and yeahh some people do spend wayyyyy too much time on the internet but that doesnt mean the internet shouldnt exist??

may 1 2024

woah my birthday is in like 4 days,,

may 2 2024

hii guys hello how are you doing? personally im doing pretty good ive been making so much art (cant show it to you though because its not on my school computer) and honestly im so creative and good at art.

ughh hhh this is being so slow my computer isnt updating the website even though i pressed save 3:

anyways!! its getting even closer 2 my birthday :33 wont tell you how old im turning bc i dont want my age 2 be anywhere on the internet, though you could probably guess and be right or close to right based off of all the other stuff on this website. who knows though, maybe everything on here is a lie (it isnt)

anyways :33 uhh idk,,,

im honestly feeling pretty good right now :3 i mean my birthday is soon , im making a lot of art, i feel like im talking to people a lot more than usual , im feeling less anxious , idk stuff is just pretty good right now. though i do keep forgetting food exists like as a concept ,,, like its not that i dont want to eat its that my brain is like "food?? whats that lol"

may 3 2024

im working on this drawing,,, aaaaaa this is taking so long,,

oops sorry i didnt realize the image was so big lol,,

may 16 2024

woah its been a while lol. i was working on my actually good website, https://bumblethecat.neocities.org/

its not great and its still a work in progress but its wayyy better than this

anywayyyys one of my friends (who ive been friends with for over 8 years by now btw) hasnt responded to any of the texts ive sent her in almost a month 3:

may 17 2024

lmao my friend who hasnt been talking to me was online on discord and i sent her a message and she immediately went offline < /3